Sunday, February 3, 2013

Use brain chemicals

There are drugs you can use to motivate yourself, and I'm not talking here about Alamuftpamin, or cocaine
Pure (a deadly form of a children's game. (
Instead, you can use the stimulant chemicals in your body, which is active when you laugh
Or singing or dancing or being or embrace someone, when are enjoying the change your body chemistry and get
Biochemical waves of motivation and energy.
There is nothing to do can not be changed only thing fun and exhilarating, has written "Viktor Frankl" Details
Terrible for his life in Nazi concentration camps and how some detainees were creating for themselves worlds
 end This may seem unreasonable, but fantasy right person can be up to his creativity chemical
Internal prison unit.
Not continue to try out outside of yourself, looking for something fun you will not find this fun in any place because they
Inside you the chance of fun you'll have energy device - cooperation both heart and mind - here you can find
This is a professional football game is advised given to anything you do as entertaining and fun.

 This "William Parovr" one ex-addicts and the author of "food frank" has discovered "William" after
Recovering from addiction something funny in spite of the cruelty.
Says "William" There's no feeling you can get from drugs and can not get it without which.
Feltlzim yourself that you get natural orgasm you need to stay motivated, never knowing what is the effect
, Who will return on your mood and your energy by laughter or suffering or dancing or walking or running or embrace
Someone or accomplish something.
Then Support your experiences that tell yourself that you are interested to do anything is not it fun if you can not find pleasure in
Something quickly look for a way to create these fun and once you imagine any task as fun, you will find
Solution to the problem of self-motivation.

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